The Mood
Things Writers Secretly Do

Things Writers Secretly Do

Let’s Peek Behind the Curtain of the Word Wizards

Everything you say may come out in my writing. But that’s kind of exciting, right?

That’s just one thing to know when having any kind of a relationship with a writer.

Here’s another: A writer’s brain is like a dream-catcher, except instead of catching dreams, writers catch story ideas and one-liners.

But wait, as they say, there’s more…

A clever remark melts a writer’s heart faster than chocolate.

Two bars of rich chocolate.
Alexander Stein

Drop a line at the perfect time to make a profound point, and a writer’s heart may open like a wildflower in Spring.

Oh yeah, but chocolate’s cool too…

Further down the rabbit hole…

A waitress holding umbrella with a city street above her in the sky and below her a field with hot air balloons and cars floating in the air around her.

Writers have addictive personalities.

Writers like drinks and pipes, thrills that bring chills. But here’s where scribes must be careful. In riding the waves of splendor, it’s only moderation that keep the tides from becoming tidal waves that wipe everything out, including the writer’s dreams.

Writers’ personalities are addictive.

Careful talking with a writer as you will get insights and new perspectives on your own life you may not have been ready for. This can either make you resentful, if you’re stubborn, or adoring to the point you end up falling for the writer faster than a stone through seawater.

Writers see and feel too much.

A young woman has a serious expression, wearing goggles and a futuristic background behind her.

Writers can identify with all the characters in a story because we are able to stand in others’ shoes.

This is a blessing when you’re working on a novel or a script, but it can be a curse when you start worrying about other people’s problems, and even make them your own.

Lower levels of hell are when people start to take advantage of the writer, knowing they can see some brighter side of them through all the muck… Of course it’s not advisable to take advantage of a writer’s empathy. Writers are taking notes and do have limits (even if higher than most).

Writers have to get tough or wither away.

Beautiful woman with leather jacket overlaid on a sky with hot air balloons and an English university building.
Enrique Meseguer

Going back to the previous point, writers are forced to become tougher than others as our minds are bombarded with dramatic thoughts, stories, possibilities… Standing in everyone’s shoes and feeling all sides of an argument gets exhausting too.

It even kills some.

How to avoid? Writers grow a tougher shell than others, resistant to other people’s drama yet still able to offer kind words.

Writers know our own mental challenges.

Rows of symmetrical trees leading up to an estate house.
Greg Montani

Writer’s have deep levels of introspection, making many of us too shy. While I (usually) don’t have that, I do have other “challenges.”

I’m guessing I’m probably around 10 percent Asperger’s, 25 percent ADD, 5 percent bipolar and ∞ percent spiritual. I could go on, but you get the point.

This level of self-reflection can be intense, for better or worse. Just remember, fellow scribes, be nice to yourselves first. That’s when things start to get better, so you can write more and help more people.

Writer’s love paradox, and here’s a great one: the more you help yourself, the more you can write to help others.

Writers seem harmless, but really are lethal.

A young woman with blond hair, a nose ring and writing tattooed on her arms and hand, stares ahead pensively.
Atikh Bana

The pen truly is mightier than the sword, as words form the thoughts of the swordman.

Sometimes a writer’s whimsical façade is a “cover” so others will let their guard down. Writers want to see people’s authentic selves. And our motives are (mostly) pure, as we’re either seeking authentic interaction, or inspiration for a story.

Just don’t underestimate a writer’s playful nature… Sticks and stones may break bones, but words scar minds. You don’t want a writer’s word coming at you… You always want the words working for you.

Writers hit rewind … a lot.

Many writers don’t have the best hearing because we spent years drowning out crazy thoughts with loud music.

Anyway, if we’re watching a movie and miss something that was said, we may obsess to the point of clicking the back button … every … single … time. (I stopped doing it with others around after my significant other stormed out of the room after I did it one too many times. So, now it’s just a secret…)

To remedy the situation, I turn on the close captioning and pretty much read most my shows.

Writers are good in the sack.

A book with glasses on it sitting on a bed.
Sincerely Media

Who has better attention to detail than a writer? And passion?And if someone can arrange 26 letters to thrill and delight, imagine what writers can do with um … other stuff.

Writers can “play” off tragedy.

Woman in distress with dragon in background blowing fire that's catching a forest on fire.

That doesn’t mean writers don’t take catastrophes seriously or feel the blunt edge of loss. We often feel it more than most. It’s that writers have an eternal flame — an inner smile — knowing that no matter how bad things get, “maybe someday this could inspire a good story…”

“Nothing bad can happen to a writer.

Everything is material.” ― Philip Roth.

Of course, writers can play off of comedy too… So, it’s almost like the universe bestowed the curse of feeling life more intensely, yet the blessing of being able to express it to help others and perhaps even make a living (or a side-hustle).

It’s a great way to see life, giving it a surreal feel. You can not only imagine others are helping you write stories, you can imagine you are in your own story. Because you are.

All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players. — Shakespeare

Writers don’t choose to write, we write or die.

I’m not exaggerating (like writers love to do). Seriously, I remember moments in childhood where I was struck with some emotional trauma, and the only thing I could do was grab a pen and let it flow out. Had there been no release in words, I probably would have lost my mind. Once we let the words flow out, we can arrange them and purge them through the fire of editing until our memories are pure as gold.

The final secret.

If you are reading this, you are a writer too. So many people I know could be incredible “writers,” but they never take the time to capture the words in a place they edit them later or show others.

All I can say is, go for it. It’s amazing what starts to come out when you join the weird, wild club known as writers.