You’ll See Crypto in a New Light After This Bombshell
It’s What the People Want
The Internet used to be like crypto. People didn’t know if it was a fad, a joke or the Next Big Thing. Only now we know, the Internet became one of the Biggest Things Ever. Those who saw the value early reaped the most benefits.
The same thing is happening with crypto… Just like the Internet, it’s going to take business adoption for people to take it seriously.
Already, PayPal and Starbucks accept crypto as payment, and that’s big. But there’s a new report showing an even stronger signal for the long-term viability of crypto, coming not from the business leaders, but from the customers of one of the worlds largest enterprises.
Airbnb, who has their finger on the pulse of the world’s travel trends, sees a new desire emerging from their customers so strong that it even shocked the CEO.
“There Is Clearly a Revolution Happening in Crypto”
Brian Chesky, CEO of Airbnb, asked Twitter users, “If Airbnb could launch anything in 2022, what would it be?”
More than 4000 suggestions came in, but one stood out from the rest, sitting triumphantly at the top of the heap.
What was the top suggestion? More than anything else, Airbnb customers wanted the company to accept crypto payments.
For a company who’s processed around $336 billion since 2013, that’s some serious action for crypto if adoption were to occur.
The CEO said they’ll surely be looking into crypto payments for their 5.6 million listings worldwide. The company has already serviced more than 1 billion transactions through 4 million hosts.Accepting crypto would be revolutionary to say the least.
Back in November, the CEO was asked about Airbnb, he said “We are definitely looking into it, absolutely. Like the revolution in travel, there is clearly a revolution happening in crypto.”
Interestingly, the founder of the crypto trading exchange Coinbase was once an employee of Airbnb. “We have been following the space for quite a long time,” the CEO said.
He added that the point of technology is to improve lives. “I’m really excited about certain applications that regular people could use to live a better daily life.”
The best businesses are actually built by the customers. When the customers have requests, the businesses satisfy those requests efficiently. With an open-minded CEO and customers demanding crypto, it’s not a stretch to figure out what’s coming next… People will soon be able to escape to their exotic destinations with a new kind of wallet not found in their pockets… Soon, Bitcoin and Etherium could be the official currencies of the “jet set.”