Before Writing Your Next Headline, Watch This…

I Don’t Hit Publish Without It Everyone reads the headline, which usually determines if they read the article. With so much power, headline-writing skills are essential for your writing success. Turns out there’s an app for that, or a website actually. The Sharethrough Headline Analyzer uses Behavior Model theory, neuroscience, and ad research to rate headlines on a scale of […]

Discover Your “Energy Body” —  And Feel Good!

You Can’t See It, But You Can Feel It I was a pretty average Joe, trying to get the proper exercise and nutrition, but I was missing something huge, and it was all around me. Invisible to the naked eye, it’s as real as other stuff we can’t see, like wifi signals and the air we breathe. I’m talking about your […]

To My Younger Self: About That First Book…

There’s a Few Things You Should Know As your future self, I’ve got some good news and bad news. What do you want first? Younger self: “I guess the bad news. Wait, why am I talking to myself?” You’re not. You change by the day, by the hour. We all do, so imagine yourself eight years from now. You’re a new […]

It’s Ok. The World Can Hear You Now

How One Surprising App is Changing Everything Her silvery voice spoke truths so clear, but her words just dissolved into the atmosphere. She had no platform, no follower count or even a bank account. Yet, she uttered wisdoms fitting for the Sermon on the Mount. Okay, that’s enough rhyming for now… I’ll just tell the story … from imagination, of course. […]

The Best Writing Advice I Ever Received

And I still struggle with it every time I write. The following advice came from a veteran newspaper reporter and publisher named Jack Powers. His name pretty much said it all, old school, tough, and straight to the point. In his gruff and throaty voice, he taught how to write straight news with no fillers or preservatives. The cracks around his […]

What’s Your Soul Mission?

Here’s a few ways to find out… A key to our soul mission relates to our birth: when, where and to whom all matter. My birth was a bit odd, as my American parents were overseas in Taiwan while my Dad finished his schooling. So, I was officially “Made in Taiwan” (the joke never seems to get old). Among all the […]

How a New Blog Can Earn Income

Yes, Virginia, new blogs can make cash. There’s often a hard way to do something, and an easy way… Blogging is no different. Many new bloggers put their nose to the grindstone working hard to build traffic and followers before they try to make their first dime. The problem is doing that can take so long that the blogger might […]

Next time you’re feeling nervous, try this…

And no one will even know you’re doing it… Some of the best actors say they still get nervous before a performance. We all get that “Butterflies in the stomach” feeling. But what if there was an easy, free way to get those butterflies to fly in formation? The key is to notice how your body reacts when your nervous, […]

5 Ways to Build a Brand People Love

One woman launched a beverage empire from her kitchen that soon filled the break rooms of companies like Google, Facebook and LinkedIn. What was her secret? In a word: branding. 1. A Good Brand Begins by Solving a Problem. Kara Goldin wanted to improve her health by getting off diet drinks filled with artificial sweeteners. But when she went to the […]